The election of Venezuela’s United Nations (UN) Ambassador Samuel Moncada to one of the Vice Presidencies of the UN General Assembly has stirred political controversy in the US.
Through his new role, Ambassador Moncada will represent Latin America and Caribbean States at the General Assembly.
Given Moncada represents Venezuelan Dictator Nicolas Maduro’s regime, which has an extensive history of criminality and human rights violations, his election to the position has angered some.
Namely, US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has responded to Moncada’s election by requesting President Joe Biden reconsider the amount of UN funding provided by the US.
Senator Rubio sent President Biden a letter in which he explains Moncada’s election is the latest of a series of actions recently taken by the UN that undermine US interests.
Rubio stated Moncada’s election is “a glaring example of the UN’s disregard for democratic values and human rights.”
Rubio claimed other UN moves, such as countries’ appointment of with terrorism ties to the Security and Human Rights councils, demonstrate the UN is diverging from US interests and values.
Consequently, Rubio requested Biden to execute “a complete re-evaluation of U.S. funding to the UN.” American UN funding “must align with American values of freedom and democracy and the original UN Charter’s mandate to maintain international peace and security,” concluded Rubio.
The US provides roughly $18 billion to the US.
Conservatives in the US have gained increased animosity for the UN, especially since the letter’s pronouncements regarding Israel’s war against Hamas.
Most recently, a new UN report caused more anger after it accused Israel of committing war crimes, including the use of sexual violence, but refused to sate whether Hamas had done so.
Earlier in the year, employees in the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) were discovered to be cooperating with Hamas.
Israeli reports claim around 1,200 of UNRWA’s roughly 12,000 Gaza employees have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
UNRWA is the UN’s exclusive relief agency for Palestinian refugees. In the past, it has been subject to extensive criticism for its employment of individuals with ties to terrorist organizations.