Pam Bondi: America Needs Real Fighters Like Rick Scott

Pam Bondi: America Needs Real Fighters Like Rick Scott

May 22, 2024

By Pam Bondi

I had the opportunity to work closely with then-Governor, and current US Senator, Rick Scott when I was Attorney General of Florida.  Together, we tackled tough issues facing our state, from combating human trafficking to protecting consumers from fraud and abuse. His leadership was characterized by a relentless focus on delivering results for the people of Florida, and his collaborative approach was instrumental in achieving our shared goal to keep Florida families safe.

Senator Scott has been endorsed by nearly every sheriff in the state, the Florida Police Chiefs Association, the Florida Association of State Troopers, and the Hispanic Police Officers Association because our law enforcement community knows that he will fight all attempts by Democrats to defund and demonize our officers.  Not one of Senator Scott’s opponents running for Senate has gotten any level of support from law enforcement which is a testament to his credentials to fight for public safety – especially at a time when we see the lawlessness happening across our county in liberal run Blue States and elite college campuses that have embraced Anti-Semitism.

Senator Scott's commitment to conservative principles has also never wavered. He understands the importance of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty. As both Governor and Senator, he has worked tirelessly to promote policies that empower Floridians to succeed, whether through job creation, education reform, or healthcare innovation.  He fights all attempts from politicians who want to raise taxes and he is a strong champion of term limits.

The radical Democrats in Washington want to destroy the rule of law and our way of life. They want to jail their political opponents, win political power by opening our border and offering amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and want to put the feelings of criminals over the safety of Americans.  They are ok with drugs pouring into our country and have no concern for the hundreds of thousands of people dying of Fentanyl.

America needs real fighters at all levels of government like Donald Trump and Rick Scott if we want the country as we know it to survive.

Senator Scott’s leadership is needed now more than ever, and I am proud to join President Trump and endorse his reelection to the United States Senate. I urge all Americans to join me in supporting Senator Scott, a trusted leader who will continue to fight for our values and ensure a brighter future for our state and our nation. Together, let's keep Florida red and keep Rick in the Senate to continue his vital work on behalf of all Americans.

Pam BondiPam Bondi serves as the Chair for the Center for Litigation, and Co-Chair of the Center for Law and Justice at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI). She previously served as the 37th Florida attorney general from 2011 to 2019 and was the first woman elected to the office.

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