WASHINGTON— During an interview on the Sunday morning news program “Meet the Press” with Kristen Welker, Senator Marco Rubio reiterated what he initially told The Floridian a few days before about being considered to be a potential top choice to be President Donald Trump’s 2024 vice presidential pick.
“Why would I opine on something that I have never talked to the campaign about?” Sen. Rubio said.
During his sit-down interview with The Floridian, Sen. Rubio snarked that “The only place I know I’m being considered is in the media,” adding that he had not been in contact with President Trump nor his campaign to discuss vice presidential nod.
“I’ve never spoken to Donald Trump or anyone in his campaign about it. I think there is only one person on planet Earth who knows who the VP is going to be, and he hasn’t told anyone yet. I’m in the Senate because I want to serve the country, to be Vice President is to serve the country at an even higher level, to have direct influence over decisions, input over decisions to be made at that level to be supportive of the President of the United States,” said Rubio.
Rubio echoed his belief that being considered to vice president should be “honored” while taking a not-so-subtle shot at Vice President Kamala Harris.
“I think anyone considered for that should be honored by it, but no one has ever talked to me about it, and I can just tell you that Trump is going to have a lot of good people to pick from. The Democrats are stuck with Kamala Harris,” added Rubio. “We have 15 people off the top of my head that I can list that will be 50 times better than Kamala Harris, so we’re in good shape.”
When pressed if he would ever consider moving from Florida to establish residency in another state, Rubio pointed to the mirky potential constitutional roadblock about both the presidential and vice presidential candidates being from the same state.
The Floridian: Would you ever consider moving from Florida?
Rubio: Well, I think the Constitution would require them from different states and I don’t think Trump is moving back to New York anytime soon.
If I ever get to that bridge, we’ll cross it, we’ll figure out how to cross it. I’m not there. I’m not being presumptuous about it. It probably will come to nothing. I’ve not talked to anyone about it
We asked Rubio this question considering that his youngest daughter would be attending graduate school close to Washington, D.C. and is younger son would be graduating from high school in the coming year or so.
Considering how much Trump weighs loyalty, Rubio should be considered at Top 5 pick.
Rubio once said that he was grateful for the opportunities he was given by former president and his administration to develop domestic and foreign policies.
Rubio was instrumental in helping Trump beef up his foreign policy bona fides, and in conversations and interviews with The Floridian over the past several years and during the Trump years, Rubio divulged that he had taken a broader foreign policy role with the administration.
But Rubio's legislative footprint was not solely made on foreign policy.
With the help of his daughter Ivanka, Trump signed into law one of Rubio’s legacy pieces of legislation, his child Tax Credit measure wih Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) that was included in the broader American Rescue Plan during the COVID pandemic, as well as the PPP program Rubio assisted in drafting that helped save American small business during onset of the pandemic.
In addition, Rubio’s VA reform bill was one of the bills first signed in law.
But while Rubio had a hand in several key domestic policy legislative measures, his work with the Trump administration on foreign policy placed him on a level beyond reproach by any other Republican lawmaker, let alone any potential 2028 Republican presidential candidate.
Aside from his work in the Western Hemisphere, Rubio played a significant role in Trump’s China policy.
Rubio has led the charge against China, authoring legislative measures against Tik Tok, and including an effort to revamp the U.S. relationship with Hong Kong after China took it over.
In addition, Rubio penned and helped pass his Secure Equipment Act, a bill that prevents the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from spying on Americans through companies like Huawei and ZTE, by preventing the U.S. government from extending new equipment licenses to Chinese companies.