Last Squeeze🍊—5.9.2024—Rubio Calls for Visas of Antisemitic Foreign Students Revoked—Trump World—Miami Commission Drama— Much More...

Last Squeeze🍊—5.9.2024—Rubio Calls for Visas of Antisemitic Foreign Students Revoked—Trump World—Miami Commission Drama— Much More...

Florida's Last Political Squeeze of the Day

Liv Caputo
Liv Caputo
May 9, 2024

'We Are Disappointed': Miami Commissioners Delay Racial Gerrymandering Settlement; May Cost Taxpayers More Money

When a federal Judge found the Miami Commission guilty of racially gerrymandering their voting districts, they agreed to vote on a legal settlement redrawing the districts on Thursday morning...READ MORE

Florida International University

What is Happening With In Trump World?

"Rupert Murdoch should fire pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from the Board of Fox. Ryan is a loser, always has been, and always will be. He was the WEAKEST & MOST INCOMPETENT Speaker of the House in its History. Fox will sink to the absolute bottom of the pack if Paul Ryan has anything to do with it!"


President Joe Biden: "Let's give public school teachers a raise—it's beyond time."

Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis: "One of the best parts of being First Lady of Florida is serving the state with my family. Madison and Mason were great companions as we distributed awards on behalf of Hope Florida!"

Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Marco Rubio

College Students to be Revoked—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—As pro-Hamas and anti-Israel outside agitators join college students across the country with their protest of Israel’s ongoing military actions...

Donalds Demands Investigation into Potential Visa Fraud at Antisemitic College Protests—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—As law enforcement cracks down on the antisemitic demonstrations on American college campuses, Congress seeks to ensure perpetrators...

'Government is Not the Solution': DeSantis Family Lauds Hope Florida Program for Those in Need—By The Floridian's Liv Caputo—The DeSantis family took the stage Thursday morning, touting First Lady Casey DeSantis' initiative to remove government...

Former Florida Senator Endorses Corey Simon's Opponent, Attacked by the GOP—By The Floridian's Liv Caputo—In what is shaping up to be a hotly contested race in Florida's Senate District 3, a former Democratic Senator ousted from her seat by Republican...

Publicly-Funded Telehealth Abortions Targeted in New Steube Bill—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—US Representative Gregory Steube’s (R-FL) Women’s Protection in Telehealth Act would prevent health care providers offering telehealth services for...

'We Are Disappointed': Miami Commissioners Delay Racial Gerrymandering Settlement; May Cost Taxpayers More Money—By The Floridian's Liv Caputo—When a federal Judge found the Miami Commission guilty of racially gerrymandering their voting districts...

Waltz, Rubio, and Colleagues Publish Series of Suggestions for US Maritime Strategy—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—In the face of rising competition for control of the seas and the People’s Republic of China’s encroachments on the freedom of navigation...

Frost Announces $5.8 Million LYNX Station Grant—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—With hurricane season approaching, buildings' ability to weather the storm is paramount. To this end, the Department of Transportation (DOT) recently awarded $5.8 million...

The Last Squeeze is pressed by Javier Manjarres and Liv Caputo


Rene Garcia


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Liv Caputo

Liv Caputo

Livia Caputo is a senior at Florida State University, working on a major in Criminology, and a triple minor in Psychology, Communications, and German. She has been working on a journalism career for the past year, and hopes to become a successful reporter after graduation. Her work has been cited in Fox News, the New York Post, and the Daily Mail

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