Republican Leib Makes it Official, Runs for Congress Against Wasserman Schultz

Republican Leib Makes it Official, Runs for Congress Against Wasserman Schultz

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
April 28, 2024

With one stroke of the pen, public relations expert Bryan Leib has qualified to be on the 2024 Republican primary ballot in Florida’s 25th District and looks to face off with Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Leib recently told The Floridian that he is "strongly considering” a late entry into the Republican Primary, and has now paid the required $10,440 to qualify to be on the primary election ballot.

According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, Leib, who is Jewish, filed his “principal campaign committee” on April 19th, and paid the filing fee with Florida’s Division of Elections on April 24th. His campaign committee is chaired by retired Insurance Executive and Jewish Leader Rachel Sapoznik from Hollywood, FL.

Bryan Leib

Leib will now face retired Air Force General Chris Eddy in the Republican primary election.

If Leib wins his primary election, the stage would be set for a Jewish-American vs Jewish-American match-up with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D).

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

With the rise of antisemitism in the U.S., particularly on college campuses, and the anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment in the Middle East, could a Wasserman Schultz v. Leib general election clash be decided by who voters believe best represents the views of the Jewish people, and who they feel better represents America’s relationship with the state of Israel?

In a exclusive written statement to The Floridian that was sent  37,00o ft over the Atlantic Ocean as he traveled home from CPAC Hungary, Bryan E. Leib stated why he was running to replace Wasserman Schultz, adding that she was "part of the dysfunction in Washington, DC. that has so many Americans angry and frustrated.

“I have decided to jump into this race because the time has come to retire Debbie Wasserman Schultz and for her to be replaced with a new, fearless, and proven next generational leader that puts a love of country ahead of party politics. I am grateful for Debbie's decades of service to our country but serving in Congress should not be a lifetime appointment. She's been in Congress for +20 years and she is part of the total dysfunction in Washington, D.C. that has so many Americans angry and frustrated. We need change agents in Congress, not career politicians. That's why I pledge that when I'm elected to Congress this November, I will work with my colleagues in a bi-partisan manner to pass federal term limits in Congress! Let's get it done," stated Leib. “Debbie is one of the most divisive Members of Congress as she routinely calls me, her constituents in FL 25 and millions of Americans 'MAGA Republicans' and .MAGA Extremists.' Loving our country and fighting to protect and preserve our Judeo-Christian values is not extreme, it's what makes us Americans.

Leib continued.

“When I am elected to Congress, I will be an America First Congressman that stands strongly with our President, Donald J. Trump and the constituents of FL25. I will focus on key issues such as closing our southern border, reforming our broken immigration system, standing fully and unequivocally behind our brave men and women in law enforcement and our first responders, providing endless opportunities for our veterans to thrive, building strong alliances with like-minded countries around the world that drive trade and tourism to America, and I will always stand strongly with the world's only Jewish State, Israel, while standing firmly against the Islamic Republic of Iran," he added.

Rep. Wasserman Schultz has handily won reelection in all of her reelection bids, as political pundits and media have panned a run against the stalwart member of Congress as a fools errand.

Bryan Leib
Bryan Leib

With the growing number of Democratic and Independent voters putting in question President Joe Biden’s leadership and foreign and domestic policies, namely his inability or refusal to shut down the U.S. border with Mexico, could 2024 be the year that Republican candidates win historically Democrat-held congressional seats?

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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