Republicans and Democrats Stand in Solidarity With Cuban People

Republicans and Democrats Stand in Solidarity With Cuban People

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
March 18, 2024

Similar to July 2021, the Cuban people are once again protesting against the Castro regime. In response to the protests, Republicans and Democrats are standing in solidarity with the Cuban people protesting against the communist regime.

As the country continues to face economic collapse, the Cuban people have taken to the streets to protest against the oppressive government. The people have dealt with food shortages and loss of power for up to 14 hours a day.

In response to the protest, First Secretary Miguel Diaz-Canel took to social media to comment on the issue. "Several people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the situation of electrical service and food distribution. The disposition of the authorities of the Party, the State and the Government is to attend to the complaints of our people, listen, dialogue, explain the numerous efforts that are being carried out to improve the situation, always in an atmosphere of tranquility and peace."

Diaz-Canel also took issue with the United States, saying that "terrorists" from the U.S. were looking to generate a political uprising in Cuba. "This context will be taken advantage of by the enemies of the Revolution, for destabilizing purpose."

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez commented on the protests on social media, sharing that "once again, Cuba's communist regime is attacking its own people in towns and cities across the Island simply because they demand basic human necessities." "We stand with our brothers and sisters in Cuba against this brutal repression!" Mayor Suarez added.

The Miami-Dade County Democratic Party also released a statement in solidarity, expressing that "the Cuban regime cutting internet access from Cubans during protests is yet another example of their authoritarian measures in attempts to control the people and prevent them from speaking out and being heard."

According to CubaDebate, a state-run source, police have been directed to Santiago, Cuba to "control the situation" and "prevent violence" as the protests grow stronger.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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