A new report from the Financial Times has uncovered that a McKinsley-led think tank advised China on embracing policies that strained the relationship between China and the U.S. The policies extend to military and economic policies. In response, Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) is calling on McKinsey to no longer have U.S. government contracts.
About a decade ago, Mickinsey founded the Urban China Initiative (UCI). It was created with university partners, and the goal was to be a “convener of China’s leading national, provincial and local dialogues on urban issues” according to the Financial Times.
UCI is alleged to have released a book that was commissioned by an organ of the Chinese state, and the book called on Beijing to adopt economic and military policies that would drive foreign companies out of China.
The policy recommendations put forth by UCI were part of the Chinese government’s research for its Five-Year Plan for 2016-2020, and the plan included a “Made in China 2025” initiative that aimed to increase Beijing’s global share of various sectors. This led to growing tension between the U.S. and China.
In a statement, McKinsey downplayed its relationship with UCI, arguing that it was not primarily responsible for its creation and adding that it had never done consulting work with the Chinese government.
In a statement, McKinsey argued that “the Urban China Initiative was a non-profit initiative co-founded in 2011 with Columbia University and Tsinghua University.” “The Urban China Initiative is not McKinsey, and it did not perform work on McKinsey’s behalf.” Moreover, the firm shared that they were not compensated for any research or initiatives related to UCI and that “the central government of China is not, and to our knowledge has never been, a client of McKinsey.”
In response, Senator Rubio, who has been a vocal critic of the Chinese government, says that McKinsey has not been truthful on the situation.
“In 2020, McKinsey told me China’s government was never a client. That appears to have been a lie,” Senator Rubio commented on X.
“McKinsey’s think tank apparently helped the Chinese Communist Party with research for its Five Year Plan. McKinsey shouldn’t have U.S. government contracts. Period.”