The Lounge: Contentious Bills Kick off the 2024 Legislative Session

The Lounge: Contentious Bills Kick off the 2024 Legislative Session

Lounging around with a cocktail in one hand, and a cigar in the other

Liv Caputo
Liv Caputo
January 13, 2024

James Madison Institute

From newly filed bills centered on open carry and anti-abortion websites to contended measures involving immigration security and antisemitism protections, the 2024 Legislative Session is shaping up to be chock full of debate and hard conversations. The Floridian dove deep this past week, gaining exclusive interviews with various lawmakers and digging into last week's most talked-about legislation. This newsletter will discuss everything from abortion to foreign sanctions, to AI fraud, to protecting children on social media, and put the spotlight on lawmakers and lobbyists who like to rub elbows after a long day at "work."


2024 Florida Legislative Session is underway!—Gray Robinson Lobby Firm

The Loungers


Sen. Shevrin JonesGuess what? Today kicked off the legislative session! I’m looking forward to sharing all the Florida updates with you over the next 60 days. Stick around!

Sen. Debbie Mayfield—Today marks the start of Florida’s 2024 Legislative Session! Looking forward to working with my colleagues on what we will accomplish for the State of Florida!

Rep. Lindsay Cross—Bills move quickly during the legislative session, so make sure to stay updated on important legislation. This year, there are several impactful environmental bills– both good and bad. We’ll update you as session moves along!

Florida International University
Florida International University

In the News-Tallahassee

Florida Demands Border Security, Immigration Action

A new proposal urging the federal government to tighten up immigration laws and secure the Southern border has reached the 2024 Legislative Session. If passed, the memorial would be sent to the U.S. Congress....READ MORE

Open Carry to be Debated by Florida Legislature

Florida legislators could soon enact laws permitting individuals to freely and openly carry firearms thanks to....READ MORE

Rep. Garcia Co-Sponsors HB 1 to 'Keep Children Safe' on the Internet---By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich---State Representative Alina Garcia (R-FL) sat down for an exclusive interview with The Floridian to discuss one of the bills she co-sponsored, HB 1. The legislation would require social media platforms...

Jacques Files Bill to Create Taxpayer-Funded Website That Provides Resources for Pregnant Mothers---By the Floridian's Jackson Bakich---State Representative Berny Jacques (R-FL) sat down for an exclusive interview with The Floridian to discuss the legislative session that began on Monday. Additionally, State Rep. Jacques shared with us...

New Antisemitism Bill Divides Democrats in the Florida House---By the Floridian's Liv Caputo---A new bill expanding the definition of antisemitism in Florida statute faced backlash Monday morning. Starting off the Legislative Session with a bang...

Pizzo Confident Most Floridians are Pro-Choice---By the Floridian's Jim McCool---With the controversial abortion issue most likely being on the 2024 ballot in Florida, Democrats are pushing hard to beat Republicans on the issue in Florida. State Senator Jason Pizzo (D) remains...

DeSantis Discourse: The Governor's 2024 State of the State Address---By the Floridian's Liv Caputo---After a late start amid a raging storm, Gov. DeSantis delivered his 2024 State of the State address. He hit on topics such as...

Lauren Book Issues Rebuttal to DeSantis' State of the State Address---By the Floridian's Jackson Bakich---State Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book (D-FL) has released her rebuttal to Governor Ron DeSantis’ State of the State Address. In a series of videos posted...

Florida Urges Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions---By the Floridian's Liv Caputo---The Florida Legislature is pushing for strong foreign policy action against Venezuela and their dictator Nicolas Maduro. Following Venezuela's violation...

Salazar Introduces NO AI Fraud Act---By the Floridian's Daniel Molina---Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R) has introduced the No Artificial Intelligence Fake Replicas And Unauthorized Duplications (NO AI Fraud) Act. Coming together with...

Florida Bill Increasing Current Retiree Benefits Faces Backlash---By the Floridian's Liv Caputo---A new Republican-backed bill altering cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for retirees is dividing conservative voters. Despite passing its first committee...

Bright Futures Scholarship Could be Enlarged Thanks to Democrat Initiative---By the Floridian's Mateo Guillamont---The ‘Bright Futures’ scholarship, Florida’s flagship public scholarship program, could soon be boosted due to a recent proposal by Democrats in the Florida...

Florida Democrats Hopeful for United Front on New Antisemitism Bill---By the Floridian's Liv Caputo---House Democrats hope for a united front on a new bill defining and protecting against antisemitism. Just yesterday, dissension within the party caused concerns...

Florida Power & Light

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Liv Caputo

Liv Caputo

Livia Caputo is a senior at Florida State University, working on a major in Criminology, and a triple minor in Psychology, Communications, and German. She has been working on a journalism career for the past year, and hopes to become a successful reporter after graduation. Her work has been cited in Fox News, the New York Post, and the Daily Mail

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