Mills Demands Answers on Air Force Members Prohibited from Attending Turning Point Rally

Mills Demands Answers on Air Force Members Prohibited from Attending Turning Point Rally

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
November 21, 2023

Out up in North Dakota, a "Dakota Patriot Rally" hosted by Turning Point Action was held on November 17th. Servicemembers at the nearby Minot Air Force Base were warned not to go, saying their attendance could "jeopardize their continued service in the US military." Representative Cory Mills (R-FL) expressed outrage on X (formerly Twitter) and spoke with podcaster Benny Johnson on getting answers for such blatant partisanship.

The Post Millennial described the event, wherein Turning Point Action and Tyler Bowyer, one of its leaders, were labeled "alt-right" (people still use that word?).

In a statement to Fox News, Turning Point Action derided the label, saying they are "a mainstream conservative organization and Tyler Bowyer is not some fringe personality—he's the COO of TPAction, an RNC committeeman from the state of Arizona, and one of the most accomplished political organizers in the country."

On X, Rep. Mills noted the irony in members of the Armed Forces being prohibited from engaging in the very freedoms they fight to protect, saying, "Our men & women of the Armed Forces fight for our freedoms only to be threatened/ denied by leftist leadership," and that "This command should start preparing for an Armed Services Committee hearing/ investigation NOW!"

Shortly after, he spoke with podcaster Benny Johnson, where Rep. Mills said that Military Personnel Subcommittee Chair Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) is already "working on it right now to request a subpoena and military inquiry into what was actually being done."

Moreover, Mills reiterated, "We need real accountability and need to be protecting our men in women in uniform."

Johnson asked if there are plans to have conservative activist and Turning Point founder Charlie Kirk or another member testify at this future hearing, to which Mills answered, "Absolutely."

"I want Charlie Kirk to come and sit with these members who probably know more about the Constitution than the commander who made this call, and I want them to justify the positioning, and I want it to go back and be on the record," Mills replied.

Moreover, he said this incident only reinforces why Turning Point was founded in the first place, to counter the leftwing indoctrination prevalent in American colleges, "Now you have the same thing where they are trying to do this, continue to spread the word, and now it is being utilized and attacked. And the liberals, if you will, are now going after it from our military's perspective."

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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