Florida Legislature to Consider Eliminating Race From College Applications

Florida Legislature to Consider Eliminating Race From College Applications

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
October 9, 2023

Tallahassee, Fl- Florida Senator Shevrin “Shev” Jones (Miami-D), has proposed that race be removed from consideration during admissions processes for Florida Colleges. 

Earlier this year, the United States Supreme Court barred Universities from treating applicants preferentially during admissions proceedings, i.e., affirmative action, based on their race. 

However, while the ruling prohibits affirmative action, it does not prevent a University from inquiring upon an applicant’s race. Some fear that Universities will now continue to perform affirmative action surreptitiously. 

While Democrats have largely supported affirmative action, Democrat Miami Senator Jones is proposing Florida take the necessary steps to eradicate it in the state’s Universities.

 President Joe Biden, for example, lamented the decision. “We cannot let (the) Supreme Court decision be a permanent setback for the country,” said President Biden. 

Jones, who has previously introduced progressive legislation advocating for gun control and price caps, is seemingly going against his party’s stance on affirmative action. 

In effect, Jones’ bill would disallow Universities’ asking about a student’s race during the application process, therefore making it impossible for admissions officials to consider race when making admissions decisions. 

Jones’ bill is likely to succeed in a Republican-led Senate.

Last June, Republican leader Florida Governor Ron DeSantis celebrated the SCOTUS affirmative action ban. “The Supreme Court has correctly upheld the Constitution and ended discrimination by colleges and universities,” remarked Governor DeSantis.

Meanwhile, Jones has taken to social media to proclaim his support for Israel in their struggle against terrorist attacks from Palestinian Terrorist group Hamas. 

“I pray for the victims and families subjected to this evil and unacceptable violence at the hands of Hamas,” said Jones. 


Hamas’ early morning Saturday assault on a major Jewish holiday has left hundreds dead, others abducted, and fighting continues as Israel responds to defend itself. 

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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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