Florida Legislators Aim to Expand Medical Negligence Compensation Eligibility

Florida Legislators Aim to Expand Medical Negligence Compensation Eligibility

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
September 25, 2023

Tallahassee, Fl- Lee County Representative Spencer Roach (R) has filed a bill (HB 77) that would expand compensation eligibility for victims of medical negligence. 

Representative Roach has filed the measure in anticipation of the Florida Legislature’s upcoming January 2024 session. 

Current Florida law bars parents of ‘adult children’, individuals 25 and up, from recovering certain damages on their behalf for mental pain and suffering caused by medical negligence.

The proposed law would enable parents of an adult child from recovering such damages in medical negligence suits. 

If approved, the law would enter into force next July. 

Healthcare and medical issues have also recently garnered national attention, as Florida Representatives Kat Cammack (R) and Greg Steube (R) jointly introduced the Access Act last week

The Access Act would make Health Savings Accounts (HSA) available for up to five million lower-income Americans.

HSAs are structures enabling any eligible insured who is enrolled in an exchange-provided high-deductible health plan to receive public funds for personal medical expenses.  Such funds could then be used by the insured through a “qualified medical debit card” to pay for medical care. 

“With money in an HSA, you can obtain the personalized services you need, and see the doctors you trust, even if they're not covered by your health insurance plan,” said Representative Cammack via press release.

Additionally, Florida Senator Marco Rubio has been lobbying Senate to install protections for healthcare worker’s moral integrity and freedom. 

Sen. Rubio filed the Protecting Conscience in Healthcare Act, which prohibits healthcare providers and government agencies from requiring employees promote "radical gender ideology" and from retaliating against non-participating employees. 

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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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