Suarez Invokes Reagan in Presidential Speech

Suarez Invokes Reagan in Presidential Speech

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
June 16, 2023

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (R) kicked off his 2024 presidential campaign this week. Suarez spoke at the Ronald Reagan Library, attempting to make a distinction between himself and the crowded Republican primary pool. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) also spoke at the library ahead of his presidential announcement. While both candidates are vying for Florida's support in the primary race, Suarez has invoked Reagan in his first speech to attempt to sway voter support.

Since releasing his advertisement, Suarez has depicted himself as a candidate that's different from the rest. This is something he elaborate in his speech at the Reagan library. For Suarez, who's campaign motto is "it's time we get started," has begun his trajectory to the presidency by urging voters to elect a new type of leadership. In his library speech, Suarez quoted Ecclesiastes, reminding attendees that "to everything, there is a season."

In this season, Americans are presented with a "time for choosing."

In attempting to stand out from the crowded Republican pool of candidates, Suarez argues that what sets him apart from the other candidates is that he has the "vision to lead and the character to connect with anyone." This is his form of leadership as opposed to "shouting" at people and "lecturing them."

Suarez argued that his campaign has the opportunity to connect with demographics that historically have not voted Republican in presidential elections, which are "young voters and urban voters." As well, Suarez posed that his campaign can make significant strides with "Hispanics and suburban women."

To further his point, Suarez likened himself to Ronald Reagan, a Republican who not only won his presidential elections, but Reagan also carried the state of California on his way to the White House. "Like Reagan, it's time for a leader who believes in America's greatest power - Americans" Suarez affirmed.

Suarez's 2024 run has started off on a rocky start as he's received pushback from prominent Republicans who are vowing to not support him. He's also become the 3rd lawmaker based out of Florida to join the race behind President Donald Trump (R) and Governor DeSantis.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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