Harvard Poll Shows Trump Leading DeSantis by Double Digits in Primary Race

Harvard Poll Shows Trump Leading DeSantis by Double Digits in Primary Race

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
June 17, 2023
A recently published poll by Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies demonstrates a seemingly remarkable lead by Trump over DeSantis amongst Republican voters.
Poll respondents were asked ‘If the Republican primary is down to two choices, Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, who would you choose to run as president in 2024 among the two?’
 A whopping 2/3rds majority sided with Trump over DeSantis.
The full context, data gathering methods, and additional poll information can be found here
A separate poll administered by Harris X/Messenger also found Donald Trump leading DeSantis 53% to 17%, respectively.
DeSantis has been pressed by many on his strategy to win over Trump loyalists. Most recently, DeSantis was asked
how he intended to attract Evangelical voters, who would otherwise vote for Trump, into his camp. In his response, DeSantis touted the conservative policy efforts and political victories he's led as unrivaled by any other Republican in the country. Moreover, he contrasted his commitment to supporting the pro-life movement to, as he sees it, Trump’s lukewarmness on the issue.
Meanwhile, the Harvard poll also reinforced the growing concern amongst Americans regarding President Joe Biden’s mental fitness for office as well as his old age. The poll found that over a third of Democrats ‘doubt (Joe Biden’s) fitness for office’ and that he is ‘showing to be too old’.
Remarkably, two thirds of independents doubt President Biden’s fitness and three quarters think he is too old. Such data will incite Republican candidates to increasingly appeal to independents during the leadup to the presidency.
Nonetheless, mentally fit or not, Biden’s hegemony within the democratic party persists as he remains the clear Democrat frontrunner.

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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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