Scott and Rubio: No Concessions for Cuba

Scott and Rubio: No Concessions for Cuba

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
December 21, 2022

The Biden administration's foreign policy continues to attract scrutiny, especially in regards to Cuba. In a recent letter, Florida Senators Rick Scott (R) and Marco Rubio (R) demand Cuba receive no concessions.

One possible concession is the removal of a 2018 ban on American businesses working with entities affiliated with the Cuban military. The second is a potential lift of the island dictatorship's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism.

"The experience of the Obama Administration has shown that one-sided concessions only further contribute to the dismal human rights situation on the island," Scott and Rubio write. To demonstrate, the letter cites a massive increase in arbitrary detentions conducted by Cuba from 172 in 2010 to 827 in 2016. As such, this only proves concessional policy towards Cuba enables its human rights abuses rather than dissuade them.

Sens. Scott and Rubio say this themselves in the letter, referring specifically to removing Cuba from the Restricted Entity List after the July 11th protests. By allowing American companies to work with entities affiliated with the Cuban military, this "will be seen as rewarding the regime for its oppression of peaceful demonstrators, including minors, and demoralize those who continue to fight for
freedom on the island."

Furthermore, Scott and Rubio write that Cuba continues granting safe haven to the Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC) and American terrorists such as Joanne Chesimard and Ishmael LaBeet.

The letter concludes by sharply condemning the Biden administration's approach to foreign policy. "At the start of your presidency, your administration announced a foreign policy “that is
centered on the defense of democracy and the protection of human rights," it says. "The American and Cuban people yearning for the respect of human rights on the island expect you to live up to these promises."

Rubio announces the letter in a recent tweet, saying that "Sen. Rubio, @SenatorRisch, and @SenRickScott sent a letter to President Biden warning against a return to the United States’ failed Obama-era policy of engagement with #Cuba."

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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