Fried Rallying Support With FiveThirtyEight Poll

Fried Rallying Support With FiveThirtyEight Poll

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
July 6, 2022

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has taken to social media to share highlights of bills he’s signed this year as Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) spars with Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D). With a primary election looming closer, Fried cited a recent FiveThirtyEight poll when energizing her base on social media.

Both Commissioner Fried and Rep. Crist have released internal polls showing them winning over the other come  the August 23rdprimary election.

Fried, has since been sharing tweets from supporters, and she commented on a recent poll from FiveThirtyEight regarding a potential November match between Governor DeSantis and Rep. Crist.

“538 says nominating Charlie Crist gives Florida Democrats a 95% chance of losing to DeSantis,” Fried wrote.

“Meanwhile, I won Florida in 2018. Let’s talk about electability,” she added.

The 2018 race for Agriculture Commissioner sparked an immediate recount that led to Fried winning the race.

“I only won Florida by 6,753. So believe me, I know every single follow, tweet, vol signup, and contribution matters,” Fried went on to say.

Polls have indicated that Crist is the frontrunner for the race, and Crist has received a number of endorsements that have bolstered his campaign. State Senator Annette Taddeo (D), who was running against Fried and Crist, dropped out of the race and quickly endorsed Crist before setting her sights on Florida’s 27thcongressional district race.

While DeSantis has not directly responded to Fried or Crist, the Governor did take to Twitter to share two bills that were signed earlier this year. One banned Critical Race Theory, and the other was his signing the No Patient Left Behind Act.

In a press release before signing the bill, Governor DeSantis explained that “it increases patient protections, ensures Florida families have a fundamental right to visit loved ones receiving care in Florida hospitals, hospices, and long-term care facilities.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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