Simpson Dubbed 'Workhorse' in new Campaign Ad

Simpson Dubbed 'Workhorse' in new Campaign Ad

“When socialist Democrats threatened the second amendment, Simpson defended our gun rights.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
March 25, 2022

Wilton Simpson (R), President of the Florida Senate and candidate for the Agriculture Commissioner position, has released a new advertisement touting President Donald Trump’s (R) endorsement and calling him a "workhorse." The advertisement comes after Army veteran Chuck Nadd (R) announced his intention to run for the post.

Simpson’s advertisement, criticizing “show ponies” that are on the ballot in yearly elections, makes an effort to distinguish himself from the field. Because “most politicians are show ponies,” Simpson touts his history of upholding conservative principles professed by the Republican party.

Against the “show ponies,” Simpson is called “a workhorse.”

“When socialist Democrats threatened the second amendment, Simpson defended our gun rights,” says the advertisement, showcasing Simpson’s NRA endorsement.

“When planned parenthood radicals pushed for taxpayer funded abortions, Wilton Simpson shut them down,” the advertisement continues before making note of Simpson’s opposition to a state income tax supported by “limousine liberals” and sanctuary cities. The advertisement also takes note of RINOs otherwise known as Republicans in name only.

The advertisement ends with Simpson touting an endorsement  from President Trump, who praised Simpson's efforts in 2020 for President Trump to win the state of Florida.

"Wilton Simpson has done an outstanding job... and gave us a historic win in Florida in the 2020 presidential election," said President Trump.

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) is pursuing the Florida Governorship, leaving the Agriculture Commissioner position open for the taking.

Lt. Chuck Nadd's return home to Winter Park from a tour in Afghanistan was recently featured in a Budweiser commercial, and he has since made his intentions clear that he will be running for the Agriculture Commissioner position. In speaking to POLITICO regarding his candidacy, Nadd slammed Simpson, calling him a "shill" for the sugar industry and arguing that Simpson has not been a big enough supporter of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R).

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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