Loomer Outraised Webster for Second Straight Fundraising Quarter

Loomer Outraised Webster for Second Straight Fundraising Quarter

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
February 7, 2022

For the second straight fundraising quarter, conservative journalist and congressional candidate Laura Loomer has outraised her opponent, Rep. Daniel Webster (R) in the

Republican primary race for Florida’s 11th congressional district.

According to the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings, Rep. Webster ended the last quarter of 2021 with $92,799.63 raised, while Loomer brought in $119, 820.57.

Prior to the end-of-year filings, Loomer raised a little over $40K more than Rep. Webster in the third quarter of 2021.

Rep. Webster, who has been a conservative fixture in Florida politics for over two decades appears to be revving up his engines for reelection, but Loomer moved up to Central Florida to challenge Webster, could be poised to upset the long-standing Republican conservative.

Webster still has a slight overall lead in fundraising having raised $360K for the 2022 election cycle, while Loomer has raised $327K

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com

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