Surgeon General Ladapo: People Want to Live

Surgeon General Ladapo: People Want to Live

Ladapo slams Biden's Coronavirus promises

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
January 6, 2022

Florida's new Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who was appointed last year, has stirred the pot once again.  Ladapo appeared on Fox News this week where he slammed Biden's "unrealistic" Coronavirus promises and claims that Florida has emphasized living as usual amid the pandemic.

Since his nomination by Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Dr. Ladapo has become a target of the mainstream media, often being called, "The anti-Fauci."

In his most recent debacle with the federal government and mainstream media, Ladapo accused President Joe Biden (D) of, "actively preventing," antibody treatment from coming to the state of Florida.  A message that other DeSantis cabinet members have echoed, such as Press Secretary Christina Pushaw (R-FL).

Since mixing things up and catching national attention, Ladapo appeared on Fox News this week to give his two cents on the Biden Administration's promises to end the pandemic, ahead of taking office last year, "It was never sensible for this president, or for any president to promise to shut down a respiratory virus.  That never made any sense."

"It set up unrealistic and unattainable expectations and now we have what you expect in that situation, which is failure, and that is the opposite of what we have done in Florida."  Ladapo adds, "We've been realistic, we've provided people with options, we've prioritized seniors and other vulnerable populations, and we've emphasized living, you know, because that's what people want to do."

Ladapo last made headlines after the Biden Administration dropped the bombshell news that there would be no federal response to COVID-19.  After seeing a shortage of monoclonal treatment in the state of Florida, Surgeon General Ladapo spotted a contradiction in President Biden's policy approach, requesting that the president, "allow states and healthcare practitioners to provide treatment options that best benefit the communities they know and serve," as promised.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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