Rubio Campaign Sounds Off on Demings for Avoiding the Media

FL senate race heats up, still 10 months until the election

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
January 30, 2022

After making her official bid for the US Senate, US Rep. Val Demings (R-FL) has made a 180-degree change in her public appearance.  This week, the Rubio campaign sounded off on Demings for avoiding the media in an awkward interaction with someone just before or after a campaign event.

It would be fair to say that Demings has been playing it strategically ever since announcing her challenge to Senator Marco Rubio's (R-FL) seat.


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The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) posted a video on their Instagram account where an unidentified individual approached the congresswoman and repeatedly asked, "Do you think Floridians are better off than they were a year ago," four times.  Each of those times, Rep. Demings simply responded with a vacant stare.

Many politicos theorized that this is just Demings staying quiet in the face of hard questioning, however, the Rubio campaign has responded to The Floridian's request for comment as to why Demings did not answer the question posed to her.

"From the highest inflation in almost 40 years to a massive supply chain crisis to the botched management of COVID-19, Joe Biden's first year in office has been a wreck. Val Demings voted for and defended Biden’s agenda 100% of the time, so it's no surprise Demings was silent when asked whether Floridians are better off now than they were a year ago," stated Elizabeth Gregory, communications director for Marco Rubio for Senate.

Although the 20-second clip was not a great look for the firebrand Congresswoman, fundraising has told Floridians a starkly different story.  Demings reported extremely high numbers, with $7.1 million to close out 2021, adding onto the $13,508,251.91 she has already reported. Team Demings is boasting that it has $8.1 million "cash-on-hand," claiming that it's "the most ever by a Senate challenger in Florida."

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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