Rick Scott: 'Socialist Democrats are the true threat to our Republic'

Rick Scott: 'Socialist Democrats are the true threat to our Republic'

Far Left Americans threat to national security

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
October 12, 2021

This week the US Navy made headlines as a nuclear engineer and his wife were arrested for allegedly selling  military secrets to a foreign nation, and appears to have close ties with domestic organizations such as Black Lives Matter.  US Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) reacted  by stating that "Socialist Democrats" are the true threat to America.

Diane Toebbe was arrested with her Jonathan husband for selling secret information military information on nuclear submarines.  The couple were both busted by an undercover FBI agent, however, further investigation of Toebbe raises some political concerns.

After reviewing her social media accounts, Fox News reported Toebbe's online presence filled with liberal talking points on the Black Lives Matter movement and feminism.

"Fox News examined what appears to be Diana Toebbe’s Facebook page, Twitter account, and Instagram page, and found repeated posts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, including a profile picture reading, "Black Lives Matter," and a post last year celebrating the social media protest against racism called '#blackouttuesday.'" - Fox News 10/11/2021

The government said Jonathan Toebbe sold information for nearly the past year to a contact he believed represented a foreign power but was actually an undercover FBI agent.

This story soon circulated around Republican circles, eventually catching the attention of Senator Scott, who claimed today that "Socialist Democrats that hate America are the true threat to our Republic."

Scott has arguably been the most vocal Senator on the CCP and foreign interference in domestic affairs.  Just last Summer Scott even as went as far as accusing the CCP of, "killing Americans," intentionally.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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