Lawmakers Praise Extradition of Venezuela's Alex Saab

“the Maduro regime tried extortion, bribery & even considered an armed raid to avoid the Saab extradition.”

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
October 18, 2021

The United States has maintained a hardline stance against the Maduro regime in Venezuela, and one of Maduro regime's closest allies is reportedly being extradited to the U.S. The news comes as Venezuela has announced it would halt negotiations with countries including Mexico in response to the extradition.

Florida lawmakers championed the extradition of businessman Alex Saab, arguing that nobody in the Maduro regime is above “facing justice for their crimes.”

Saab is considered a significant witness regarding corruption in Venezuela because of his close ties to members of the Maduro regime.

On social media, Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) praised the extradition, commenting that “the Maduro regime tried extortion, bribery & even considered an armed raid to avoid the Saab extradition.” Despite that, he added that “they failed” and that “no one in the regime should feel safe from one day facing justice for their comes.”

Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) echoed in his remarks, expressing that “Alex Saab’s extradition to the United States is welcome news.” He added that the extradition is an example “for those who work on behalf of Maduro’s narco regime to be held accountable & for Saab to talk.”

Calling it “one step closer” to closing in on the regime, Scott added that the process “won’t stop until there is freedom for Venezuela.”

However, not everyone is champion the extradition.

Family members of the Citgo 6 have criticized the Biden Administration.

The Citgo 6   are 6 American oil executives that are being held on house arrest, and after the announcement of Saab’s extradition, they were sent back to jail by security forces.

Cristina Vadell, the daughter of Tomeu Vadell, lamented that “the fact that Mr. Saab is in the U.S. before my father is a disgrace.”

“This is additional proof that these Americans are held hostage in Venezuela, and President Biden’s administration needs to recognize this and win their release immediately.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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