DeSantis Slams ‘Zuckerbucks,’ Accusing FB of Election Interference

“The most egregious ploy was the commandeering of election offices around the country using over $400 million from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
October 20, 2021

On the heels of rumors circulating that Facebook will be changing its name in an effort to rebrand, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is directing criticism at the tech company. The Governor lashed out at the company, accusing it of attempting “to influence and sway the American political process through shady practices like Zuckerbucks.”

In response, DeSantis assured Floridians that the state is committed to holding effective and efficient elections because, as the Governor commented, “Democrats tried every trick in the book.”

“They used the pandemic as an excuse to change election laws in ways that are unconstitutional and ripe for fraud and abuse in our election,” the Governor shared, adding that “this included the mass sending of unsolicited mail-in ballots, bans on voter ID, ballot harvesting, and unattended ballot drop boxes in states across the country.”

The Governor now faces three Democrats that are vying for the Democratic nomination.

State Senator Annette Taddeo (D) is the third candidate to enter the race, and she is running against her 2014 running mate and former Governor of Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) and Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D).

“The most egregious ploy was the commandeering of election offices around the country using over $400 million from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg,” explained DeSantis, dubbing the money “Zuckerbucks.”

The money, he detailed, “was spent on partisan election activity under the guise of ‘election administration and had a major impact in states like Georgia.”

DeSantis expressed that the state “wasted NO time preventing Big Tech oligarchs from influencing the outcome of our free and fair elections through well-funded, politically biased vehicles like Zuckerbucks.”

In moving forward, he vowed to do everything in his “power to ensure Florida continues to have secure, transparent, and efficient elections” because “it is imperative for the future of our state and our nation.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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