Fried Praises Biden's COVID funding, Slams

Fried Praises Biden's COVID funding, Slams "Thankless" DeSantis

On the verge of officially challenging DeSantis?

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
April 9, 2021

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D), a potential candidate for the 2022 gubernatorial race, released a video today thanking President Joe Biden (D) for the American Rescue Plan. The plan has received criticism from detractors who argue that it only allocates 9% of its funds to COVID-19 relief, but Florida Democrats like Fried are championing the plan, suggesting Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is “thankless” and calling the plan a step forward in the right direction as Florida marches on the path forward while combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the video, Commissioner Fried calls herself the “only statewide official to say” thank you to President Biden “for the rescue.”

She explained that the plan will ensure that “Florida’s state & local budgets will be balanced, schools will be funded, health coverage will be more affordable, children will be lifted out of poverty, and stimulus cash will be spent by 89% of Floridians,” which includes “our thankless Governor.”

Although no Democratic candidate has made a formal announcement for the upcoming gubernatorial race, rumors have circulated that Commissioner Fried will be making a run to unseat Governor DeSantis. She has been a notable critic of the Governor COVID-19 response, and she has also called for the FBI to “step in” regarding DeSantis’ “Seniors First” vaccine rollout plan.

Fried is expected to make a formal gubernatorial announcement shortly after the 2021 legislative session concludes in May.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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