Florida Rep. Carlos G. Smith Calls 10 Percent THC Cap 'Arbitrary'

Florida Rep. Carlos G. Smith Calls 10 Percent THC Cap 'Arbitrary'

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
March 10, 2021

Recreational marijuana use has been a growing topic of discussion in the Sunshine State, and Floridians overwhelmingly support its legalization. However, Florida Rep. Spencer Roach (R) introduced a bill that would cap THC at 10%. This would result in medical marijuana users experiencing 50-150% higher taxes according to Florida For Care.

The response to the bill has been divisive, and Florida Democrats argue that this "arbitrary" bill would be detrimental to Floridians.

Florida Rep. Carlos G. Smith (D) slammed the bill, sharing an excerpt of comments made during a Congressional meeting. Calling the THC Cap "arbitrary," he explained that “naturally growing cannabis strains mostly produce THC levels of much more than 10%.” Because of that, with “a 10% THC cap, as proposed” in the bill from Rep. Roach, it would “effectively eliminate smokable medical cannabis.”

In turn, the lawmaker assured that if the law passes, it only spells trouble because “’you can say Goodbye to flower!’”

“The legislature must turn off their reefer madness blinders for a second and face facts that THC caps are an egregious tax on patients, no two ways about it,” stated Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care. “And if there is anything, ANYTHING, that Republicans in the Florida legislature dislike more than sick people smoking marijuana it is new taxes!

Although similar bills have passed the Florida House and get shut down in the Senate, Democrats will find bipartisan support in the House.

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R), a potential 2024 Presidential candidate, opposes any caps on medical marijuana, and he has expressed his support for legalizing marijuana in the Sunshine State.

“The only thing that I know is more popular than getting out of the war on drugs is getting out of the war in Afghanistan,” said Gaetz at the end of 2020.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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