JUICE — Florida Politics' Juicy Read — 3.12.2021 — Nikki Fried Crosses The Line — Mast Mutiny — Solar Energy, Cruise Ships, Roach, Eskamani, Rubio, Berman — More...

JUICE — Florida Politics' Juicy Read — 3.12.2021 — Nikki Fried Crosses The Line — Mast Mutiny — Solar Energy, Cruise Ships, Roach, Eskamani, Rubio, Berman — More...

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
March 12, 2021

This Ain’t Your Grandparents Democratic Party

Unfortunately, extremism appears to have gripped both political parties, but now that Democrats control (barely) the U.S. Congress and President Joe Biden is running the White House (barely), Democrats are pushing Left-Wing extremism or Progressive Socialism, as the new normal in politics today.

Just look at the legislation that is coming out of Congress.

When Democrats proposed a somewhat-moderate-looking firearm background check bill, Republicans like Rep. Brian Mast received unprecedented backlash from conservatives for voting in support of the measure.d

This week, Rep. Mast voted against the very same repackaged bill because of how the bill was reframed, now infringed upon the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. READ MORE

And then there is the $1.9 Trillion COVID “Stimulus” bill proposed by House Democrats, which is filled with nothing but non-COVID-related garbage. Yet, Democrats call funding pensions, bailing out failed blue states, and:

—$40 million will be allocated "for the necessary expenses for the operation, maintenance and security" of The Kennedy Center

— $86 million for assistance to Cambodia; $130 million to Nepal, $135 million to Burma, $453 million to Ukraine, $700 million to Sudan.

— creates a Women's History Museum and an American Latino Museum as part of the Smithsonian. Overall, the Smithsonian gets $1 billion.

This is the new normal?

Oh, Nikki…

Playing politics with pressing issues has always been the norm with politicians, so AG Commissioner Nikki Fried’s hypocritical jab at Gov. Ron DeSantis over his COVID response, is not all that newsy, but it is.

Commissioner Fried is now using her official office to go after Gov. DeSantis. READ MORE


Here Comes The Sun…

Two not-so-bipartisan bills in the Florida legislature that support solar energy being delivered to schools are up for discussion, could eventually receive bipartisan support from apparent like-minded Republicans. READ MORE


Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @DebbieforFL-FLORIDA: Your $1400 checks will come as early as this weekend. Democrats delivered #ForThePeople of Florida. Thank Democratic President Joe Biden and your Democratic Congressmember today. The others .............

Rep. Anna V. Eskamani D @AnnaForFlorida-I voted against an abortion ban that attempted to pit disability rights against reproductive rights while shaming people who choose to end a pregnancy — despite our opposition the bill still passed, but we remain committed to protecting safe & legal access to an abortion.

Jared MASKowitz @JaredEMoskowitz-Yesterday, almost 50 percent of the vaccine given out at the federal/state sites went to minorities. The intent of eliminating appointments was to eliminate the digital divide and increase vaccine in the minority population. Thank you @fema for this important partnership.

Keith Perry @KeithPerry-It’s been a busy week here in Tallahassee! Our team passed 5 more bills through committee and today we’ll head back to the Senate floor.

Evan Power @EvanPower-This is the level of journalism we are facing in Florida. @GovRonDeSantis has made Florida the beacon of freedom for our nation and the media hates it and will attack

Matt Gaetz @mattgaetz-I don’t care that this is being done by a GOP Sheriff. Its awful to harass citizens because you think they may commit crimes, hoping to “make their lives miserable.” @GovRonDeSantis has the authority to remove @ChrisNocco & should consider doing so.

nikki fried
Nikki Fried

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com

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