The GOP-led Florida House is starting off the 2021 session with a bang by introducing HB 1, and more than likely passing it to the FL Senate.
HB 1, a bill designed to impose harsher repercussions for civil disorder due to protesting has only been divisive since its drafting.
Democrats insist this bill is just a cheap shot to suppress Black Lives Matter and is only reactionary to the riots that occurred last Summer.
Republicans, on the other hand, insist this bill has no correlation to ideology affiliation. The bill's contents were publicly released, ironically on the same day when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021.
The events of that day have not shaken the GOP support for the bill, as Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has been confirming his signature upon arrival of the bill for several months.
The safety of Floridians will always be a high priority, and in 2020 we worked hard to ensure Floridians are protected through the rule of law.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) January 2, 2021
Some high profile Florida Democrats such as Senator Shevrin Jones (D-35) have previously called the bill, "unnecessary" and "Insensitive."
You can bet Democrats like Jones, and pretty much all of them won't fold on this legislation. Come July expect HB 1 to be considered the law of the land in Florida.