Yesterday, Florida CFO Jim Patronis (R-FL) joined Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) as he signed SB 72 into law. CFO Patronis' long battle for Florida businesses has finally proved successful with this COVID liability bill. Now Florida businesses will surely be provided with protections.
Patronis issued a statement yesterday saying he was, "Proud", of the legislation and called the bill, "A huge win for Florida."
Patronis elaborated, claiming SB 72 is, "No doubt, the single most important piece of legislation that unifies families in our state and a huge milestone for businesses and healthcare workers who no longer have to live in fear of frivolous COVID-19 litigation."
Patronis then extended his thanks to legislators and the governor in their efforts to pass this bill for Florida.
At the same press conference, DeSantis also vowed publicly to never enact "Vaccine passports". The idea that you must be vaccinated to travel. He called the practice, "Completely unacceptable" and intends to draft an executive order this week on that very issue.
The Governor and his cabinet will continue to not only slow the spread but also put the privacy concerns of Floridians first.