Florida Democratic infighting continues over defending George Soros

Florida Democratic infighting continues over defending George Soros

Rep. Eskamani takes issue after Sen. Pizzo calls her out

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
January 3, 2021

The rift or infighting within the Florida Democratic Party continues after the 2020 presidential election debacle,  as Progressive State Senator Jason Pizzo has stoked the ire of ultra-progressive State Rep. Anna Eskamani over her ties to billionaire George Soros.

Rep. Eskamani took issue with Sen. Pizzo's Soros is  “paying your salary” tweet,  accusing the popular Miami senator of “feeding into Republican talking points against George Soros.

“C’mon @AnnaForFlorida, there are billionaires like George Soros paying your salary,” tweeted Pizzo. “Many public companies’ shareholders are (union) pension funds - let’s keep the spirit of public service, ditch the class conflict, and work for everyone to get their piece of the American Dream!”

Eskamani fired back, stating “Wow, feeding into Republican talking points by attacking George Soros, lying about my employer, and defending corporations? It’s not ok that companies like @amazon get major tax breaks while everyday people don’t. Floridians deserve an economy that works for all, Senator.

anna eskamani

Pizzo was referring to Eskamani’s “State Strategic Advisor” job at NEO Philanthropy, a leftist activist group that is funded by George Soros’ Open Secrets Foundation.

Yes, Pizzo is 100% accurate about Soros and did not lie about Eskamani’s employer.

According to NEO Philanthropy’s website, the group receives donations and grants for their activist efforts from the Soros-founded Open Secrets Foundation.

One of NEO’s activist groups is the Four Freedom Fund (FFF), which lists the Open Secrets Foundation financial support.

NEO Philanthropy has also hired former Open Secrets Foundation employees, including Rebecca Carson, who ran the “Immigration Rights Portfolio” for Soros group.

Eskamani most like works for NEO's "State Infrastructure Fund," the state-centric activist arm of the organization that focuses on 16 states, including Florida. The SIF is also funded by Soros' Open Secrets Foundation.

NEO also helps fund groups that have questionable ties to anti-Semitism and racism.

"NEO also manages a number of projects which target specific ethnic and religious minority groups. MPower Change is perhaps the most notable of these groups as it was founded by the radical Islamic activist Linda Sarsour, who also works prominently in the Black Lives Matter movement and the anti-Israel Left, including the extremist Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). MPower Change and its lobbying arm, MPower Change Action, push voter mobilization and registration campaigns to increase Muslim voter turnout in elections. It’s also been involved in a number of far-left protests, including demonstrations in 2018 to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)."

To be clear, NEO Philanthropy serves as a clearinghouse or an intermediary fund disbursement organization to many left-of-center activist groups.

Again, according to NEO’s website, they are the middle man for Leftist funding efforts.

“NEO fulfills our most important role as a funder intermediary by getting money from donors to organizations on the ground tackling some of the most difficult and challenging issues of our time.”

Hey, at least they are transparent about what they do. Well, kind of.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com

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