Trump Touts Huge June Jobs Report as an American Win

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
July 2, 2020

The June jobs report has just been released, and the Trump administration is highlighting the findings as part of its “Great American Comeback.” It is safe to say that the report was "Yuge!"

In the reports’ findings, there was a gain of 4.8 million jobs, which is more than what was expected. As well, the unemployment rate fell to 11.1%.

In the past two months, an estimated 7.5 million jobs were added.

This includes 404,000 jobs that were added for black Americans in June while 1.47 million jobs were added for Hispanic Americans.

As part of the report, there was the largest one-month women’s job gain in history with an addition of 2.8 million jobs, there was the largest one-month decline in unemployed workers with a drop of 3.2 million and there was the largest one-month drop in the unemployment rate with a drop in 2.2%.

Moreover, 356,000 manufacturing jobs were added in June along with 158,000 construction jobs that were added in June as well.

The president also took to Twitter to share the news via a clip from a press briefing on the report. In the briefing, the president called the report “spectacular news for American workers and American families and for our country as a whole.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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