Appearing on Fox News, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro equated former Ambassador John Bolton’s tell-all book to “revenge porn.”
Navarro excoriated Bolton, saying that Bolton simply upset after being fired from his post and that his actions a form of "revenge porn." Navarro also accused Bolton of solely focused on wanting to set up coups in countries like Venezuela and that Bolton, with his “seer-sucker suits” and “big mustache” was only “throwing grenades at this administration to make money.”
President Trump recently told Sean Hannity that Bolton “broke the law.”
"He broke the law, very simple," Trump repeated. "I mean, as much as it's going to be broke. This is highly classified. That's the highest stage. It's highly classified information and he did not have approval. That's come out now very loud and very strong."
President Trump has been hammering away at Bolton’s decision to divulge private government information, calling the former ambassador a liar for making statements that were “pure fiction.”
Trump tweeted:
“Bolton’s book, which is getting terrible reviews, is a compilation of lies and made up stories, all intended to make me look bad. Many of the ridiculous statements he attributes to me were never made pure fiction. Just trying to get even for firing him like the sick puppy he is!
Less than an hour later, Trump followed up the tweet with two more, calling Bolton a “Wacko” and someone prone to make the “dumbest of all statements.”
When Wacko John Bolton went on Deface the Nation and so stupidly said that he looked at the “Libyan Model” for North Korea, all hell broke out. Kim Jong Un, who we were getting along with very well, went “ballistic”, just like his missiles - and rightfully so....
..He didn’t want Bolton anywhere near him. Bolton’s dumbest of all statements set us back very badly with North Korea, even now. I asked him, “what the hell were you thinking?” He had no answer and just apologized. That was early on, I should have fired him right then & there!”