Scott Calls for Split in 'Phase 3' of Coronavirus Response

Scott Calls for Split in 'Phase 3' of Coronavirus Response

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
March 19, 2020

As Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) continues to self-isolate due to coming into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, he released a statement regarding ‘Phase 3’ of the Coronavirus rescue plan, which aims to provide help to Americans and big industries.

He called on Congressional leaders to break up the stimulus package and to instead focus on getting relief to Americans who need it the most.

In his statement, the former Florida Governor argued that “we have to solve the spread of the Coronavirus. And, until we do, we cannot get a true handle on the economic impact and what will be needed to energize our economy.”

Senator Scott expressed that “all levels of government – federal, state, and local – need to be careful before they make major decisions impacting their budgets until we understand the true cost and effect of this virus.”

He then asserted that “right now, Congress needs to focus on the Americans that are hurt most by the Coronavirus – our small businesses, hourly workers and individuals whose livelihoods depend on tips,” noting that he’s “heard from countless Floridians and small business owners about the devastating impact this virus is having on their lives.”

His suggestion is for two steps to be taken.

The first step is to “significantly increase federal assistance to state Unemployment Insurance programs, and change the corresponding regulations to allow states the ability to open the fund for workers to immediately access” if they need to.

The second step is to “impose a 60-day moratorium on mortgages, rent, fees, and utilities for both individuals making less than $75,000 a year and small businesses with less than 250 employees.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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