Stephanie Murphy Takes Hits for Endorsing Bloomberg

Stephanie Murphy Takes Hits for Endorsing Bloomberg

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
January 17, 2020

With the announcement that Senator Cory Booker (D) would be dropping out of the race for the presidency, the field is now becoming narrower and the front runners are becoming clearer. One voice that joined the race late but has become a front runner is former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg (D).

The former mayor has received criticism from people on both sides of the aisle, being slammed for trying to “buy” his way into the presidency. This, however, has not stopped him from receiving endorsements, and the most recent lawmaker to show her support is Florida Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D), a member of the Blue Dog Democrat Caucus.

In response to the endorsement, Emerson George, Trump Victory spokesperson, released a statement criticizing Murphy endorsement.

In the statement, George commented that “Rep. Murphy’s decision to endorse Michael Bloomberg shows how out of step she is with her constituents.”

Moreover, George adds that “Bloomberg was a failure as a mayor and advocates for authoritarian, big-government policies aimed at limiting basic personal freedoms.”

Citing “Bloomberg’s anti-gun and pro-tax agenda,” George asserted that they “won’t fly in the Sunshine State.” So, George concluded that “perhaps if Rep. Murphy spent more time listening to her voters instead of pushing an impeachment hoax, she’d understand how misguided this endorsement is.”

But the hits against Murphy didn't stop there, Dr. Leo Valentin (R), who is running for congress against Murphy, questioned the endorsement and pointed out that she is not the "moderate" legislator she portrays herself to be.

"Murphy has a consistent track record of casting herself as a moderate while acting like a far-left liberal," stated Valentin "From trying to regulate the soda we drink to fighting for tax increases across the board, Bloomberg is attempting to do the same in his campaign. Murphy and Bloomberg are two peas in a pod. Beyond what Bloomberg stands for, Murphy’s endorsement further proves how she’s more interested in a flashy headline than she is on working for her constituents."

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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