Rep. Ted Yoho (R) has officially announced that he will not seek a fifth term to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Rep. Yoho reminded The Floridian several years back that he would only serve 4 years, a promise he made when first elected to office.
Just last week in Washington, D.C. Yoho told The Floridian the when and where of his announcement, so we decided to let it play out instead of breaking our word to him of not announcing his decision before he actually made it.
Yoho’s Deputy Chief of Staff Kat Cammack is expected to announce a run for her boss’s seat, as will Gavin Rollins, a Clay County County Commissioner. Rollins recently told us that he was inching towards an announcement.
Businesswoman Amy Pope Wells was the first to announce her candidacy, followed by businessman Judson Sapp, who many consider the frontrunner in the race due to his fundraising efforts.
Florida’s 3rd congressional district is a safe Republican seat, so the winner of the GOP primary election will most-likely succeed Yoho.