Polls mean everything in politics.
Just a week or so back when the Quinnipiac Poll showed Democrat Andrew Gillum with a commanding 9-point lead over Republican Ron DeSantis, politcos and pundits were ready to call the race for Gillum.
Like everything in politics, change is just drop of a dime away.
The latest Mason-Dixon poll shows DeSantis cutting Gillum’s lead to 1-point.
According to the poll sponsored by the Florida Press Association and Leadership Florida, Gillum leads DeSantis 46 percent to 45 percent, with 8 percent of votes undecided.
The poll also shows that Blacks and Hispanics are breaking for Gillum, as have voters between the ages of 18-34.
Sounds like doom and gloom for DeSantis, right?
Well, considering how the 18-34 voting bloc has voted over the past several election cycles, there is a good chance that a lot of those younger voters will stay home on election day.
Again, politics is a fluid sport. Anything can happen.
Can anyone say October surprise?