Mike Pompeo was confirmed by the Senate to be the next United States Secretary of State after Rex Tillerson was relieved of office.
Governor Scott, currently campaigning to unseat Democratic Florida Senator Bill Nelson, supports the pick. However, Bill Nelson voted against many of President Trump's cabinet picks including a no vote on Mike Pompeo to be the CIA Chief.
Yesterday, it was reported that Bill Nelson had changed his mind and would in fact be voting in favor of Pompeo. The reason being? Nelson had found out about a secret meeting between North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un and Mike Pompeo in order to press the need for the nation to denuclearize.
So, this may not happen often during the race, but Governor Scott and Senator Nelson are seeing eye-to-eye.
Before Nelson made his vote announcement, Governor Scott commented that "This position is critical to our national security interests and Senator Nelson needs to do what is right and stop playing politics in an election year. I am hopeful he will take a break from being a rubber stamp for the Democratic leadership in Washington."
After the announcement, Governor Scott took to twitter to voice his agreement.
Glad @SenBillNelson came to his senses after voting against Mike Pompeo last year. Maybe if every year was an election year Nelson wouldn’t be such a party line politician.
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) April 26, 2018
Senator Nelson has not yet responded.